Verein Cordia

2019 Seminario per coro


The Academy of Ancient Music of Bruneck in occasion of his 20th jubilee proposes an intensive residential course which runs from August 1st to August 4th, 2019  for select singers and already formed choirs who are looking to develop choral musicianship skills. Studying and living in Bruneck, students are immersed in the beautiful nature of the Dolomites which provides an atmosphere of serious study. The Master will be held by Karmina Šilec Applications are especially welcomed from students, educators and other able singers who already possess good musical skills. The study repertoire will be drawn from the baroque choral tradition to the modern choir repertoire. Seminar rehearsals are held each morning from 9.30 am to 12.30 noon and each afternoon from 14.30 pm to 18.30 pm. A scholarship which covers accommodation with breakfast and one meal will be offered to an already formed young choir of eight singers per voices part (soprano, alto, tenor, bass). The selected choir will take part in the final orchestral project with the Baroque Orchestra of the Academy on period instruments (pitch 415 Hz) directed by Alexis Kosseno performing an Oratorio by Handel with final concerts on August 9th and 10th. The chorus to which will be granted the scholarship must have already studied the oratory chosen for the final concerts before it will be performed with the Orchestra of the Academy. The rehearsals for the performances of these final concerts will run from August 5th to August 8th and will be dedicated to Handel Oratorio which will be part of the final program . All the participants in the master and the young choir which will be chosen to participate in the final concerts of the Academy will be selected by audition. The recording has to be made on standard device (eg iPhone, iPad or other tablet) and has to be sent by January 14, 2019. This should be uploaded onto YouTube or similar and a link supplied. The purpose of this information is to achieve a well-balanced choral ensemble.


Info seminario coro:

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